Delta i enkätstudie om apnétest vid klinisk undersökning med direkta kriterier

The primary objective of the survey is to get insight into the present practice of apnea testing for patients with suspected brain death. However, the apnea test is part of nearly all protocols, implementation significantly differs among intensive care physicians. Results will provide a current state of the practice, which can support the determination of future acts to standardize the apnoea test process.

Please fill out the survey which takes only 6 minutes and qualify it. In case the survey meets your standards, we would be glad if you could support the administration in a way to send the survey to all registered members of your committee and your colleagues in your department. We are looking forward to hearing about your positive answer.

Link to IMAPing SUBDEP Survey:

Kind regards,
András Lovas
Head of department
Kiskunhalas Semmelweis Teaching Hospital, University of Szeged
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy