ESCTAIC – European Society for Computing and Technology in Anesthesia and Intensive Care

Dear Colleagues,

We are honored to invite all of you to attend the 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Computing and Technology in Anesthesia and Intensive Care (ESCTAIC).

The event will take place in Romania at the Regional Business Center (CRAFT) in Timisoara, between 22nd and 24th of September 2016.

The conference will be organized in conjunction with the National Course of Guidelines and Protocols in Anesthesia, Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, this being the largest scientific event of the Romanian anesthesiologists (with an expected number of 1600 participants). The chair of this highly appreciated scientific event is Prof. Dr. Dorel SANDESC, President of the Romanian Society of Anesthesia and Intensive Care.

This year’s event is very proud to gather a great number of keynote speakers from all around the world.

Since many years ago, this congress, joined by the ESCTAIC meeting, became a traditional scientific event in Romania, and an opening at an European level for all and for each one, an opportunity to communicate one’s experience, discuss, learn along with invited leading international personalities and hopefully a high-class scientific debate in a pleasant, interactive and collegial atmosphere.

Will be more than honored welcoming you in the beautiful city of Timisoara!

Kind regards,
Gabriel M. GURMAN MD
Chairman, ESCTAIC Executive Committee

Årsmöte SFAI 2015

Kl 16:45-18 möts medlemmarna för årsmöte.

Kom och delta i föreningens grundläggande arbete, med presentation av verksamhetsberättelse, val av ny styrelse och diskussion av fokusfrågor.

Verksamhetschefsmötet ändrar skepnad och byter namn

Höstens verksamhetschefmöte ligger som vanligt i anslutning till SFAIveckan, men denna gång direkt efter avslutad kongress, dvs på eftermiddag/kvällen den 23/9 samt till och med lunch den 24/9. Mötet byter även inriktning och namn till Möte för Anestesi/IVAledare i Sverige och välkomnar därmed inte bara verksamhetschefer utan även läkarchefer och medicinska chefer från landets kliniker.

Vid årets möte kommer stort fokus ligga på ramar för och planering av fortbildning för specialister. Struktur runt fortbildning är snart ett krav som alla klinikchefer står inför.

SIR respektive SPOR kommer att ha längre redogörelser avseende nationella outcome data inom sina respektive områden och utformandet av riktlinjer kommer att diskuteras.

Mötet hålls i Läkarsällskapet stora sal, Klara Östra kyrkogata 10, kl 16:00-19:00 den 23/9 samt 09:00-12:00 + lunch den 24/9.

På kvällen den 23/9 intas gemensam middag på Sällskapet, Arsenalgatan 7.


Abstracts inlämning har öppnat till SFAI-veckan 2015

Presentera ditt projekt under

SFAI-veckan i Stockholm 21-23 september 2015!

Ta tillfället i akt att som poster eller fritt föredrag presentera ditt


kliniska utvecklingsprojekt


pedagogiska projekt


administrativa projekt


med anknytning till anestesi och intensivvård och att diskutera dina resultat med intresserade och kunniga kollegor under trevliga former.


Priser delas ut i flera kategorier:


SFAI:s delförening för undervisning och forskning delar ut sitt nyinstiftade personliga pris till den SFAI-medlem som bedöms ha svarat för den bästa projektpresentationen under SFAI-veckan.


SFAI delar från och med 2015 ut ett pris för bästa patientsäkerhetsprojekt presenterat under SFAI-veckan. Pristagare utses av en bedömningskommitté bland presenterade patientsäkerhetsprojekt.


SFAI fortsätter uppmärksamma och belöna den ST-läkare som presenterat det bästa ST-projektet.


Välkommen att skicka in ditt abstract senast 30 maj 2015!



Besked om din presentation kommit med lämnas före 30 juni, vilket är sista datum för rabatterad anmälningsavgift till mötet.

Nedan hittar ni anmälningsformuläret.

Euroanaesthesia 2015

On behalf of the German Society of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine (DGAI) and the National Organising Committee (NOC), it is a pleasure to invite you cordially to join Euroanaesthesia 2015, the annual meeting of the European Society of Anaesthesiology (ESA), in Berlin, Germany. It is a great honour to host the Euroanaesthesia Congress in our capital from 30 May to 2 June, 2015.

Euroanaesthesia is recognised as one of the largest and most prestigious anaesthesiology congresses in the world, aiming to present the highest standards of practice and safety in anaesthesia, perioperative medicine, intensive care, emergency medicine and pain treatment. The broad spectrum of recent clinical practices and innovative therapies in all fields will be addressed in the numerous sessions, refresher courses and workshops. The latest scientific data and results from basic and clinical research will be presented and discussed with experts from all over the world complemented by the variety of educational sessions. The contribution of international expertise and clinical experience will provide a great opportunity to gain further knowledge and improvement of clinical practice and patient care. Furthermore, the congress will offer the most up-to-date information and exhibit state-of-the-art technology of for example monitoring devices to improve patient safety.

Challenging issues in many European countries are the increasing numbers of high risk patients undergoing major surgery requiring an elaborate and costly treatment in the intensive care unit. With a higher demand of surgical and diagnostic procedures performed under general or regional anaesthesia, further organisation of OR-management and perioperative processes supported by IT-infrastructure is warranted. The ongoing economic pressure on health care providers to reduce costs as well as the shortage of personnel and, the optimisation of ICU resources remains an important objective in European hospitals.

What does remain on top of the list of clinical objectives is the continued ethical and medical responsibility we have as medical professionals to patients and families, particularly during palliative care. At present, there is an increasing demand for anaesthesiologists, and so current challenges are to recruit young physicians and clinical scientists to our speciality. This can only be achieved by providing excellent clinical training and promoting research in all fields of anaesthesiology as well as offering family-friendly working hours. For the future, in order to maintain anaesthesiology, intensive care medicine and the remaining subspecialties as attractive medical disciplines we need to characterise and promote these areas of medicine as “Strength through diversity”, making our profession highly competitive with great potential to draw in the best medical students.

Surrounding the congress centre is the exciting capital Berlin. This historical city has many famous museums and a variety of cultural events, therefore offering a wealth of inspiring and relaxing moments.

Again a warm welcome to Berlin and we look forward to sharing with you the highlights of Euroanaesthesia 2015

Thea Koch, DGAI President Elect

Find more information, online registration, preliminary program and more at

Euroanaesthesia 2015 webpage

20th International Intensive Care Symposium

Dear Michael Haney, my dear colleague;

On behalf of Turkish Society of Intensive Care Medicine, we have previously informed you about 20th International Intensive Care Symposium which will be held in 8th – 9th May 2015 in İstanbul, TURKEY.

The Scientific Committee has elaborated an outstanding programme full of cutting edge innovations in intensive care science, innovation in the field, in education and in quality and safety improvement. Research from investigators around the world will be presented in special lectures and panels during the symposium. The aim of the programme is to make it efficient for our colleagues in terms of the intensive care science, improving education and service in intensive care, and assisting intensivists in their careers. You could find the final version of the scientific programme in attachment.

We will be honoured if you could publish the scientific programme in the society’s website and inform the members of the society about our upcoming symposium.

Your attendance and contributions will definitely empower us to reach our common goals.
Looking forward to see you in Istanbul in May 8th and 9th, 2015!

Prof.Dr. Necmettin Ünal
Turkish Society of Intensive Care


The 26th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care (ESPNIC 2015) will take place June 10- June 13, 2015 in Vilnius, Lithuania

Please see the website for detailed

33rd SSAI congress, Reykjavik

Dear Scandinavian Anaesthesiologists,

The 33rd SSAI congress will be held in Reykjavik, Iceland June 10-12 2015, see for further information.

We will start with a pre-congress course on Mechanical Ventilation June 8-9 (a beyond-BASIC course).

Click here to see the preliminary scientific program, including 8-9 parallel sessions with 47 symposia covered by Scandinavian and international experts and 24 workshops/simulations as well as free paper sessions. Even if our theme is “Matters of the Heart“, we seek to cover most aspects of anaesthesia, intensive care, pain and emergency medicine.

Please note that our journal, Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, offers generous prizes for best abstracts. Abstract submission will be open until February 25. A new category for free papers is “Medically Challenging Cases”.

Our social program is varied with events before or after congress hours: get-together party, early bird run and swim, hiking, cave exploration, blue lagoon evening tour, Icelandic beer tasting, midnight golf, snorkeling, horseback riding, swimming in the North Atlantic and more. We also offer pre and post congress tours around our beautiful country.

We hope to see you in Reykjavik, you are most welcome!

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,
Alma D. Möller
Congress President