Datum: 26 - 28 Nov, 2015
Plats: Hilton Congress and Convention Centre in Antwerp, Belgium
At the end of November (26th-28th) this year, we will organise the 5th Anniversary IFAD meeting (The International Fluid Academy Days), a concise but complete 3 day symposium on fluid management and hemodynamic monitoring in the critically ill with key-opinion speakers from all over the world.
Attached is the preliminary flyer of our upcoming fluid academy days as well as the scientific program. The venue is the same as last year: the Hilton Congress and Convention Centre in Antwerp, Belgium.
Further information can be found on our website www.fluid-academy.org and early bird registration for the meeting is now open: https://inschrijven.interactiegroep.nl/opl_en/ifad.html
Last year’s 4th IFAD was attended by more than 450 participants (350 doctors and 120 nurses) coming from over 47 countries and we are expecting at least the same number of participants this year.
The presentations of the previous meetings can be downloaded via: https://fluid.slidejar.com
And we have a YouTube channel with some interviews of the speakers: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFluidAcademy
The fulltext PDF’s of proceedings can be downloaded via: http://czasopisma.viamedica.pl/ait/issue/view/3335
Abstracts can be submitted via the following link: http://www.fluidacademy.org/abstract/index.php/ifad/2015/schedConf/cfp
Best regards,
For the 5th IFAD organizing committee
Dr. Manu Malbrain, MD, PhD
Dr. Niels Van Regenmortel, MD
Dr. Dirk Himpe, MD, PhD