ROCVIDEO: Dansk-svensk studie om icke akuta intubationer på operation, svensk studie pågår 9 januari-4 mars 2025

The following questionnaire forms part of the international research project ROCVIDEO  and aims to describe the current approach to non-acute intubations in the operating theatres of public hospitals in Sweden and Denmark. Particular attention is given to the selection of anaesthetic drugs of induction, neuromuscular blocking agents, and the use of video laryngoscopes, as well as key factors influencing these choices.

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The full protocol is publicly available via the Open Science Framework  This research project emanates from CEPRA**.

The questionnaire takes approximately 10 minutes to complete, and your answers are anonymous.

*ROCVIDEO is an independent research project seeking to investigate the benefits and risks of using a fast-acting, high-potency opioid (remifentanil) versus a muscle relaxant (rocuronium) to optimise intubation conditions in patients undergoing videolaryngoscopy-assisted tracheal intubation.

**CEPRA (Collaboration for Evidence-based Practice & Research in Anaesthesia) is a research collaboration aimed to facilitate and support perioperative research programs including large pragmatic multi-centre trials (