President’s Message to Member societies : December 2024

Dear Colleagues,
This has been a year of incredible challenges but also wonderful opportunities for WFSA and indeed the wider world. We will be sharing our 2024 annual report in early January but in the meantime, I would like to highlight a few things I am particularly proud of this year:
  • The 18th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists held in Singapore in March with over 5000 in-person participants. Many thanks to all of you who made this such a success. The abstracts from WCA2024 have now been published as a supplement to Anesthesia & Analgesia and can be accessed here.
  • Turning the regional Santa Cruz Declaration on Patient Blood Management into a global movement and a declaration which so far 78 Member Societies, 5 Regional Sections  and 11 global partner organisations have signed. Please continue to reach out to if your Society would like to support this.
  • Our ongoing robust engagement with the World Health Organizationincluding active participation in technical fora such as the Acute Care Action Network and Global Alliance for Care of the Injured, and impactful advocacy on behalf of our global anaesthesiology family at WHO Regional Committees.
  • World Anaesthesia Day 2024 with the theme of ‘Workforce Well-being’ generated excellent online engagement with participation from colleagues in 120 countries and over 5,200 social media posts.
  • Continued delivery of our training courses and Fellowships, alongside an increased emphasis on webinars on topics ranging from well-being to critical and intensive care. I am also pleased to report excellent engagement with our WCA2026 webinars, held monthly under the leadership of the Scientific Track Co-Chairs for Marrakech.

I have had a busy travel and meeting schedule during the last six months. As well as ANESTHESIOLOGY 2024 in Philadelphia and several WHO expert meetings, I have attended Member Society and regional conferences in South Africa, Tunisia, and Morocco. Many thanks to colleagues in these countries for their hospitality. I have also participated virtually in multiple conferences and other events, including the Brazilian, Lebanese and Turkish Societies’ meetings. It’s always an honour to be invited to a conference as WFSA President and be able to represent our global family.

Congratulations to the Mauritanian Society for being the latest society to join WFSA this November. Our Federation now has 142 Member Societies representing anaesthesiologists in 151 countries worldwide.

As this year draws to a close, it’s a good time to reflect on our global anaesthesiology family and the amazing work you are doing around globe. Our thoughts are especially with those working in areas of conflict and unrest.

I hope that the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 will be happy and safe for you all. I look forward to meeting many of you in the new year, and to sharing the excitement as we get closer to the 19th World Congress of Anaesthesiologists being held in Morocco in April 2026.

Best wishes
Professor Daniela Filipescu
WFSA President


17th World Congress of Intensive and Critical Care (WCICC 2025) is now accepting abstracts

The 17th World Congress of Intensive and Critical Care is now accepting abstracts!

The abstract requirements are as follows:

  • Abstracts should be written in English
  • Limited to 300 words
  • Formatted using the following sections headers: Purpose, Background/Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
  • Do not include figures, tables or references.
  • Accepted abstracts will be presented as oral or electronic poster presentations.

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IARS Offerings for the Global Anesthesia Research Community

The IARS now offers free membership to individuals in anesthesia training, including free access to all content in the online Anesthesia & Analgesia and A&A Practice journals. IARS will offer discounted membership to anesthesia providers based on the World Bank economy classifications. We invite members of your society to take advantage of these and other IARS resources by visiting our website here. (mer …)

Olof Norlanders resestipendium 2024

Karolinska Institutet och Olof Norlanders Minnesstiftelse ledigförklarar härmed Resestipendium 2024 om 100 000 SEK.
Resestipendiet delas ut för att stödja en lovande eller etablerad nordisk forskare inom ämnesområdet Anestesiologi och Intensivvård under forskningsvistelse vid utländskt, medicinskt lärosäte.

6th SSAI Research Methodology Course

Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses #SSAIResearch2024

As part of the SSAI’s mission to promote Nordic collaboration in our specialty and to support clinical and scientific activities in the Nordic countries, the SSAI and the Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation are proud to continue with this series of 2-day research methodology courses.

Registration is open for the 6th SSAI Research Methodology Course – Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses. (mer …)

Lagförslag för att stärka vården för beslutsoförmögna patienter

I Sverige saknas reglering för hur man ska behandla vuxna patienter som är beslutsoförmögna, som inte förmår bestämma eller samtycka till sin egen vård. Det skapar allvarliga problem för både patienten och sjukvårdspersonalen och riskerar en rättsosäkerhet för de inblandade. För att stärka vården för dessa patienter har Svenska Läkaresällskapets (SLS) delegation för medicinsk etik tagit fram ett lagförslag som kan inkluderas i patientlagen.

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Är det dags för en SPUR granskning i höst?

Enligt Socialstyrelsens krav ska kvaliteten i specialiseringstjänstgöringen granskas och utvärderas av en extern aktör, det bör ske vart femte år. Syftet med granskningen är att ST-läkarna ska erbjudas en likartad och jämn utbildning oavsett på vilken klinik i landet utbildningen bedrivs. Kolla på Martin Thorssons genomgång av vad SPUR är och hur granskningen går till enligt den nya checklistan.
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Svenska Leverveckan 2023

Varmt välkommen till Svenska Leverveckan som går av stapeln 5-7 februari 2024 i Stockholm.
Svenska Leverveckan är ett årligt, tvärvetenskapligt, tredagars levermöte med fokus på klinisk hepatologi och med en touch av grundvetenskap. Mötet arrangeras i samarbete mellan Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset i Stockholm och Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset i Göteborg. Mötet integrerar flera discipliner, grundvetenskap och omvårdnad kring olika aspekter av leversjukdom.
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