Datum: 13 - 15 Nov, 2017
Plats: Lund, Sweden
Welcome to the 1st Nordic Neurotrauma Conference, Nov 13-15 in Lund, Sweden!
As we all can acknowledge, neurotrauma care is no doubt a mul disciplinary discipline. This upcoming mee ng will appeal to both clinical specialists, as well as clinicians undergoing specialist training, in areas such as emergency medicine, neurosurgery, anaesthesiology, intensive care, neurology, general surgery, orthopaedic surgery, rehabilita on medicine, pain medicine, radiology, neuropsychology, clinical chemistry, coagula on medicine and vascular surgery.
We aim to hold a mee ng that re ects the clinical reality. Topics, such as Prehospital Care, ER management, Coagula on in Neurotrauma, Spinal Cord Injuries, Neurotrauma in Sports, Imaging in Neurotrauma, Neurobiomarkers, Neurointensive Care and Rehabilita on will ensure that this clinical mul disciplinary aspect we feel so important is widely covered. Among others, Andrew Maas (Belgium), David Menon (UK), Grant Iverson (USA), Virginia Newcombe (UK), Fiona Lecky (UK), David Menon (UK) and Peter Hutchinson (UK) will be speaking, alongside the foremost Nordic experts in neurotrauma. There will be opportuni es to present abstracts, both as posters and oral presenta ons, with a special prize, the Ber l Romner Award, for the best abstract.
More information in attachment and at mkon.nu/nnc
We look forward to seeing you in Lund!