Delta i enkätstudie om apnétest vid klinisk undersökning med direkta kriterier

The primary objective of the survey is to get insight into the present practice of apnea testing for patients with suspected brain death. However, the apnea test is part of nearly all protocols, implementation significantly differs among intensive care physicians. Results will provide a current state of the practice, which can support the determination of future acts to standardize the apnoea test process.

Please fill out the survey which takes only 6 minutes and qualify it. In case the survey meets your standards, we would be glad if you could support the administration in a way to send the survey to all registered members of your committee and your colleagues in your department. We are looking forward to hearing about your positive answer.

Link to IMAPing SUBDEP Survey:

Kind regards,
András Lovas
Head of department
Kiskunhalas Semmelweis Teaching Hospital, University of Szeged
Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy

ESAIC-studie om palliativ vård och behandlingsbeslut i livets slutskede

Delta i ESAIC-studie om palliation och behandlingsbeslut inom intensivvård! Läs mer nedan och på länk till studien:

Palliative Care and end-of-life decisions are very important aspects of ICU practice.
We invite you to take part in an anonymous survey aimed to obtaining detailed information about European ICU clinicians` awareness of palliative care and relevant, local end-of-life legislation. The participation is voluntary. The survey is part of the EU funded European EPIC (Enhancing palliative Care in the ICU) study which aims to contribute to a mind shift from a narrow focus on prolonging life towards more holistic care. We very much hope you will take the time to fill in the survey and thereby help to improve palliative and end-of-life care in the ICU.

All responses are anonymous.

ESICM: Studie om reversering av antikoagulantia inom intensivvård

As you may be informed, the ESICM Transfusion Guideline Task Force is currently preparing the first international anticoagulation reversal guideline for the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. In succession of the TRACE-1 and TRACE-2 survey in which we studied transfusion practices in the (non-)bleeding ICU patient, we now aim to examine anticoagulation reversal practices in this population (ROTATION survey).

If you’ve already taken the time to circulate and/or complete the survey, we extend our sincere gratitude!

This survey can be answered until January 2024:

Survey: The aim of the survey is to collect baseline measurements of international policies and practices of anticoagulation reversal used in the ICU, including different types of anticoagulants, thresholds per diagnostic tests, choices of types anticoagulation reversal drugs and blood products. This research could be helpful to monitor and guide future changes in anticoagulation reversal practices in the ICU (i.e. response to new international guidelines) or to identify knowledge gaps.

Endorsement: This study is currently endorsed by the ESICM Research Committee, and other ICU societies such as SIAARTI (Italy) and Intensive Care Society (UK).

Target group: intensivists, intensivist in training and non-intensivists specialists attending in the intensive care medicine.

Anonymized: Rest assured, all responses will be anonymized and reported in aggregate, and we’re committed to sharing the findings with participating societies. Completing this survey will take approximately 20 minutes.

ESICM: Studie om miljö & hållbarhet inom intensivvård – kort svarstid

Healthcare’s climate footprint accounts for 5% of net global carbon emissions, while Intensive Care Units (ICUs) are important consumers of material and energy resources. Therefore, the need for all ICU workers to work collectively towards sustainable critical care is imperative.
The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM) prioritises environmental sustainability in research, education, practice and policymaking. The newly established ESICM Task Force on Environmental Sustainability, led by Prof. Jan De Waele, will announce a series of initiatives.

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ESAIC Studie om mentorskap

This survey seeks to assess the prevalence of mentor-mentee relationships within the field of anaesthesia and gain a deeper understanding of mentorship dynamics. Our objective is to identify key socio-demographic factors associated with the selection of mentor-mentee partnerships whilst also examining potential factors that facilitate or hinder the mentorship experience.

In this context, a mentor is defined as an experienced and trusted advisor who provides knowledge, guidance, support, and advancement opportunities to a developing colleague, who can be referred to as a mentee. Think of a mentor as being akin to a career coach.

A mentee, on the other hand, refers to an individual who receives guidance, training, or advice from a mentor and can be likened to a protégé.

Our overarching aim is to promote the establishment of successful mentorships and to make mentorship in anaesthesia more accessible and equitable.

Länk till undersökningen hittar du HÄR.

ESAIC Trainee Survey: tack för att du som är ST-läkare svarar

This survey, supported by ESAIC Trainee Network, aims to assess the quality and differences in anaesthetic training across Europe. Its purpose is to identify the primary issues and overall satisfaction of trainees. We will compare our results with a similar study conducted in 2015 to determine how to improve the quality and status of residency programs.

By completing this questionnaire, you grant us permission to anonymous publication of your responses. The survey is online, takes about 5-8 minutes to complete, and is entirely voluntary. Your responses will be kept anonymous and confidential.

We appreciate your participation and encourage you to share the survey link with your colleagues!

Länk till undersökningen HÄR,

Delta i ESICM-studie om reversering av antikoagulantia inom intensivvården

The ESICM Transfusion Guideline Task Force is currently preparing the first international anticoagulation reversal guideline for the intensive care unit (ICU) setting. In succession of the TRACE-1 and TRACE-2 survey in which we studied transfusion practices in the (non-)bleeding ICU patient, we now aim to examine anticoagulation reversal practices in this population (ROTATION survey).

(mer …)

ESICM Next undersökning om kvinnligt ledarskap inom anestesi och intensivvård

ESICM NEXT och The Diversity and Inclusiveness Monitoring Group genomför för närvarande en studie angående möjligheter och hinder för kvinnligt ledarskap inom anestesui och intensivvård och önskar ditt deltagande! Läs deras inbjudan nedan och delta i studien genom denna länk. Tack för ditt deltagande!

Dear Colleague,
Despite efforts to achieve equity in the workplace, professional women face barriers to becoming recognized leaders.
There is no shortage of qualified women to fill leadership roles. Still, men are far more likely than women to take on the highest paying and prestigious leadership roles. The “qualities” of a leader are still largely based on an outdated male model that shuts women out.
Although decades of investment in women’s leadership programs, progress in promoting women has stalled. ESICM would like to bridge the gender leadership gap once and for all.
For this reason, ESICM NEXT Committee and The Diversity and Inclusiveness Monitoring group designed an observational survey for all health professionals involved in critical care to assess barriers to female leadership: Old Stereotypes, Fewer Connections, Bias and Discrimination and  Lack of Flexibility.
With this survey, ESICM NEXT and Diversity and Inclusiveness Monitoring Group want to anonymously explore how our wellbeing is impacted by our work and personal environments and develop a suite of practical recommendations for decrease barriers to Female Leadership
We would like to invite you to take part in this survey that has been endorsed by ESICM – European Society of Intensive Care Medicine.
It will take just 10 minutes, and you will be able to answer just once.
This survey is anonymous.
By continuing you agree that we use the data to perform analyses that may be the subject of a publication.
You can opt out at any time during the survey. In this case, we guarantee that no data will be used for any analyzes and publications.
Thank you for your contribution
On behalf of the steering committee
NEXT ESICM Committee
The Diversity and Inclusiveness Monitoring Group